
Guarucoop, the best option for you!

Book a taxi

Discount policy

Based on our fixed prices, we offer a 20% discount on all Guarucoop Taxi rides with cash payment and origin in any neighborhood or region of the city of São Paulo (capital), interior or coast of São Paulo, in addition to Guarulhos/SP. The destination must be São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport.

To request this service, download our application or contact us:

About us

Founded in 1985, the Joint Work Cooperative of Self-Employed Taxi Drivers in the Municipality of Guarulhos, better known as Guarucoop, provides taxi services through its taxi drivers to users of Guarulhos International Airport.

Nationally recognized, Guarucoop has a team of highly qualified and constantly trained professionals, who work to offer their customers a quality, safe and comfortable service.


Always available

Our taxi service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, provided by qualified and exceptional cooperative taxi drivers.

Pay as you like

We accept the most diverse forms of payment for our services provided, such as credit or debit card, bank slip, check or company slip.

Bilingual team

We have a team of bilingual receptionists and drivers, who work with the aim of offering our customers a quality, safe and comfortable service.

Fixed prices

For your convenience and better planning of your budget, the prices of our services offered are fixed, without surprises, set by the Municipality of Guarulhos.

Contact us